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The Sandra and Clarence Mabry

Scholarship Fund


The scholarship fund was created by Sandra and Clarence Mabry to provide financial assistance for high school graduates attending college with a major in dance or the performing arts. Thanks to personal donations, ticket sales from the Tribute concert, special fundraising events, and silent auction bids, the scholarship fund has awarded more than $123,000 to students who are attending some of the most prestigious colleges in the United States.


Sandra and Clarence Mabry believed in the value of education and communicated the importance of education to their students. This scholarship fund helps Sandra and Clarence’s values become a reality for the recipients. The scholarship recipients are able to live their passion, pursue their dreams, achieve a college education that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives, and most importantly be able to make a career choice where they can do what they love!


This scholarship truly depicts the belief that Sandra and Clarence continually shared with their students:

“Do what you love and you will always be successful.” 

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